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play ps2 game to computer with pcsx

PCSX2 is a PlayStation 2 emulator for Windows and Linux, started by the same team
that brought you PCSX (a Sony PlayStation 1 emulator).
The PCSX2 project attempts to allow PS2 code to be executed on your computer,
thus meaning you can put a PS2 DVD or CD into your computers drive, and boot it up!
The project has been running for nearly 10 years now, and since its initial release has
grown in compatibility. From initially just being able to run a few public domain
demos, its current state enables many games to boot and actually go in game, such as
the 'famous' Final Fantasy X, Devil May Cry 3 and God of War.

Before you must download PCSX2 and BIOS



* Windows/Linux OS
* CPU that supports SSE2 (Pentium 4 and up, Athlon64 and up)
* GPU that supports Pixel Shaders 2.0
* 512MB RAM
* Windows Vista / 7 32bit/64bit
* CPU: Core 2 Duo, Core i3/5/7, Phenom II (all at 3.4Ghz+)
* GPU: 8800GT or better
* 1GB RAM (2GB if on Vista / Windows 7)

How do I install pcsx2?

  1. double click in pcsx2 set up 
  2. click "next button"
  3. install ---> close 
  4. go to desktop and than click icon pcsx 2
  5. and than, choose your language and apply 

  6. click next button
  7. in GS box. click configure ==> and set :
  8. in PAD box set, your keyword whit your keyboard
  9. in SPU2 box set :
  10. and than click next
  11. in bios box, move your bios folder after downloaded in document of your pcsx
  12. after you choose bios type click "end"
  13. after that follow next instruction in the picture, if you want your pcsx not slow!

How do I play a game?

  1. Choose CDVD ==> iso selector ==> browse your ps2 game!
  2. and than click SYSTEM ==> Boot CDVD (full)
  3. Happy Play

Why is my CPU load less than 100%?
As said above, PCSX2 only uses 2 cores, so if you have more the
CPU usage will be way less 100%. Even if you have exactly 2 cores,
the emulator will not cause 100% CPU usage because of the way
threading works. This does NOT mean PCSX2 isn't using the full
power of your CPU, it is normal.

Do PS1 (PSX) games work with this emulator?
No, this emulator only works with Playstation 2 games.
In order to play PS1 games, you will need a PS1 emulator such as
the popular ePSXe.

Why is the emulator so slow?
Because the Playstation 2 is a complex console with a lot of parts
which must be emulated at the same time; for a better explanation
refer to this thread .
Where can I get BIOS and Games?
You have to get your BIOS from your own Playstation 2 console.
You can use games from your collection, acquire them from a game
store or use Ebay for some older titles.


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